I’ve been making more use of a bird recognition app and been rather impressed by it. It’s called Merlin and produced by Cornell Labs in the USA. It has three of ways of helping to […]
Ancient earthworks abound in Oakley Wood, from the central camp or fort, to the wood banks that surround the wood. Read about their history here.
Way-marked walking routes through the wood.
Selected videos of wildlife taken by the Friends of Oakley Wood trail camera.
The pond in the south-west corner of Oakley Wood is a valuable resource for wildlife, and so we should take care to leave it undisturbed.
Bluebells Raspberry Bluebell amongst celandines Stitchwort White bluebell Wood sorrel Anemone, celandine and dog violet Young bracken Bugle Wood anemone Burdock (with brimestone butterfly) Cherry blossom Honeysuckle Herb robert Meadow buttercup Hedge woundwort Foxglove Red […]
Dogs are welcome in Oakley Wood, but please be a responsible and considerate dog owner.
Download our map of Oakley Wood and head off to explore the wood
Records of Oakley Wood go back to the 12th century. Dr. Sarah Wager has researched the wood’s early history
Find out about the vision for Oakley Wood’s management