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April 2015
Spring bluebell walk
Bluebell The bluebells should be out and we'll have two guided bluebell walks, led by Warwickshire Wildlife Trust. A morning walk at 10:30, and an afternoon walk at 14:30. Come along and enjoy the beauty…
Find out more »July 2015
Moth and butterfly walk
A guided walk around Oakley Wood learning about moths and butterflies with local expert David Brown. David is the author of a book on Warwickshire moths and serves as the moth conservation officer for Butterfly…
Find out more »September 2015
Woodland discovery day
Join us for a day of wildlife and woodland themed activities for the whole family
Find out more »October 2015
Fungi Foray
Join the Warwickshire Fungus Survey Group on a fascinating guided walk looking at the wood's fungi
Find out more »March 2016
CANCELED: Spring Walk
Join us for a spring walk to learn more about the management of Oakley Wood This event has been canceled, in part because it clashes with Mothers' Day. Further events will be announced later.
Find out more »May 2016
Spring bluebell walk
Join us for a walk around the wood to see the bluebells and other spring flowers. An expert from Warwickshire Wildlife Trust will be on hand to guide us. Time to be confirmed.
Find out more »May 2017
Spring woodland walk
Take in the spring air, sights and scents on this ramble about the wood. Joining Karl Curtis from Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, learn about the woodland management as well as spotting many of the species that…
Find out more »June 2017
Discovering bird song
Join us for this walk around Oakley Wood led by local bird expert Colin Potter. Colin will draw our attention to the birds in the wood, paying particular attention to their calls and songs. As…
Find out more »April 2018
The sound approach to bird calls and songs
Join us for this walk around Oakley Wood led by local bird expert Colin Potter. Colin will draw our attention to the birds in the wood, paying particular attention to their calls and songs. As…
Find out more »November 2018
Autumn Woodland Walk
Join Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and The Friends of Oakley Wood for an autumnal walk, exploring Oakley Wood's wildlife. Discover seasonal wonders and learn more about woodland management. As always when visiting the wood, dress appropriately…
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