Wildlife reports
The big guys are back!
Fallow deer are again in Oakley Wood and captured by our camera. I’ve put together a video to show the dramatic difference in size between muntjac, roe and fallow deer, all captured from the same […]
Merlin – the “wizard” bird app
Logs Seats and Butterflies
The results of the poll where we asked about seating in the wood are in, and almost unanimously opinion is for the natural solution: log seats. In reality, this is probably all we were likely […]
Trailcam update 11 – a year by the pond
Where has the wildlife gone?
‘Tis the season for fungi
Autumn is the best season for finding mushrooms, and it’s pretty much over for this year. Here are a few new ones I photographed in the wood – not necessarily uncommon, just haven’t yet made […]
Trailcam Video 10 Spring 2022
As promised, finally, some more video from the trail camera. The camera has been parked at the pond for some time as it’s probably the most reliable place to capture the wood’s wildlife, so all […]
Spring recovery
I visited the wood this morning to retrieve the trailcam card (I promise – again – to post some soon). As usual I took my camera with me which normally makes sure that I’ll see […]
The felling operations in the wood finished a few weeks ago although there are still log stacks waiting to be removed at the loading bay next to the Banbury Road. The places where the rides […]