
Northern Lights over Oakley Wood
Thanks to one of our members, Jan Wood, for sharing this amazing photograph of the Northern Lights over Oakley Wood. The photo is taken looking NE over the wood. The bright “star” in the bottom […]

Merlin – the “wizard” bird app
Oakley Wood Bioblitz 2024
We are intending to hold a Bioblitz in Oakley Wood this summer. One was held in 2014, and we feel it would be a good time to find out what effect 10 years of forest […]
Seats – have your say
The newly surfaced path around and through the wood last year has met with almost universal approval, and is allowing more people to enjoy what the wood has to offer. But with this has come […]

Task Weekend 27th November
‘Tis the season for fungi
Autumn is the best season for finding mushrooms, and it’s pretty much over for this year. Here are a few new ones I photographed in the wood – not necessarily uncommon, just haven’t yet made […]
The Ephemeral Seat
I made a seat for the wood from brash that was lying about, mostly just to see if I could. No screws or nails, just jointed wood. It seemed OK and surprisingly strong, so I […]
Path improvements!
One of the subjects that users of the wood have complained about for many years is the state of the paths in wet weather, especially in the winter. Some become virtually impassable. The Friends of […]
Transforming Oakley Wood – a personal view
While we have provided a lot of information about the current work in the wood and why it is being done, there are still those who are unconvinced, or are at least unhappy about it. […]