The Ephemeral Seat
I made a seat for the wood from brash that was lying about, mostly just to see if I could. No screws or nails, just jointed wood. It seemed OK and surprisingly strong, so I […]
I made a seat for the wood from brash that was lying about, mostly just to see if I could. No screws or nails, just jointed wood. It seemed OK and surprisingly strong, so I […]
The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Oakley Wood was held on Tuesday 26th April in Barford Memorial Hall. Like events all over the country, our 2021 AGM was a casualty of COVID. […]
Kat Reay of the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) is in charge of organising events in their nature reserves under its “Leamington Green Connections” initiative, and of course, this includes Oakley Wood. Kat has sent details […]
One of the subjects that users of the wood have complained about for many years is the state of the paths in wet weather, especially in the winter. Some become virtually impassable. The Friends of […]
As promised, finally, some more video from the trail camera. The camera has been parked at the pond for some time as it’s probably the most reliable place to capture the wood’s wildlife, so all […]
I visited the wood this morning to retrieve the trailcam card (I promise – again – to post some soon). As usual I took my camera with me which normally makes sure that I’ll see […]
The recent storms Eunice and Franklin have left their mark on the wood. Apart from the unexpected gift from Wiggerland Wood – a tree that fell across the Moreton Morrell road and most of which […]
Last year I started to take more of an interest in the history of Oakley Wood Camp, in particular the conflicting views over its origin and purpose. I thought that perhaps metal detecting might be […]