Winter Work Parties 2024/2025

It’s that time of the year again – when George Green of WWT leads Sunday work parties in Oakley Wood, allowing volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks. It’s a great way to feel you are contributing to the health of the wood, and it’s good for your health too.

This is George’s schedule with currently planned activities, although they do tend to be flexible:

Sunday Volunteer Work Party Dates Task
September 29 Sycamore Management
October 27 Coppicing
November 24 Dead-hedging
December 15 Coppicing
January 26 Tree Planting (TBC)
February 23 Clearing around planted trees (TBC)

Please contact George (

Unless otherwise mentioned, we meet at the loading bay, off the B4100 Banbury Road at 10.00. George asks you not to arrive early as you risk backing up onto the busy road. He aims to arrive for around 09:50 to open the double gates. Activities normally run until around 13.00 (first session on Sept 29  George is intending to run a bit longer, until 15.00) but there’s no problem if you need to leave earlier.

I’ll try to post a reminder for each activity a little while before it takes place.
