We’re having a BioBlitz!

We have organised a BioBlitz in Oakley Wood for 2nd June.

What is a BioBlitz? It’s  a concentrated effort to discover as many species as possible in a set amount of time. We’ll be looking for plants, animals, butterflies, moths, insects, fungi, reptiles – everything! Last time, in 2014, 221 species were found, and we’re really interested to see what effect 10 years of forestry management and public use has had on the wood. Help us find those species that others may have missed.

But there’s more than that. There will be activities such as pond dipping, conducted nature walks and species quests suitable for all the family. It’s also an opportunity to talk to our knowledgeable nature specialists and see various wildlife displays.

Come along and get involved. Everyone is welcome!

To help in the species hunt, you’ll need to take photos with your phone. You can also install and record using the iNaturalist app (we’ll ultimately be recording everything on there) which is also great for helping to identify what you just saw.

More details can be found here (also accessible via the QR code on the poster). If you have any queries, email us at info@oakleywood.org.uk.

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