A good turnout of volunteers last Sunday ensured that over 50m of new native hedgerow was planted along the Moreton Morrell lane. The weather was kind and it was a great morning out, enjoyed by all.

As well as the important business of drinking tea and eating biscuits we planted a new double row hedgerow using hawthorn, hazel, blackthorn, dogwood, holly and a handful of other native plants. This diverse mix will grow to be an invaluable wildlife habitat in years to come, providing food and shelter for many species. It was really rewarding to look back at our new length of hedgerow at the end of the morning, knowing the benefit that it will be to the wood and its wildlife in the future.
Although the turnout was good, it would be great to see even more people turning out for our practical days. There’s one each month at the moment—check out the events calendar to find the next one.
Thanks to Chris for the write-up, the photos and the help with the planting – we had a great day.
The future of Oakley will be in safe hands if we can keep up with, and get actively involved with, the management of the wood.